Simple Diet To Lose Weight :- It can be tempting to believe that in order to shed unwanted pounds, all it takes is cutting back on calories. But that is not always necessary! Here is an effective approach for reaching weight loss without being deprive of all food group.

Many people turn to starvation diets in an effort to shed pounds quickly and may begin subsisting on nothing but lettuce leaves and raw carrots for several days, in an effort to shed unwanted weight quickly.

Though weight loss quickly is paramount to fulfilling an event or wardrobe goal quickly, the secret lies in taking your time.

Dieting does not need to be at the expense of depriving yourself or making yourself unwell as a result of diet.

Losing 10 pounds in one week is certainly achievable with proper diet and dedication; all it requires is being mindful about what, how often, and how much exercise is done.

Simple Diet To Lose Weight

This diet plan provides an example of one you could follow to shed 10 pounds in one week. Your individual calorie requirements will depend on your specific situation; however, this sample plan should give a general idea as to how you could reach this goal.

Keep this in mind: no diet can be sustained by just doing a crash diet.

Though this diet will help you drop pounds quickly, be mindful of what goes into your body and ensure it receives all necessary vitamins and nutrients to support its proper function.

Make sure you’re eating the appropriate fats and protein levels, while staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water.

1) Morning Shake

There is a misconception that eating all your meals throughout the day is necessary if you want to lose weight quickly, however if this is your aim it might be worthwhile forgoing breakfast altogether and just having a morning shake instead.

Your body uses your fat stores as energy during sleep, helping you shed unwanted weight more rapidly. A protein shake in the morning is an excellent way to kick-start weight loss efforts.

Use a protein powder without sugar added, as this will assist in weight loss quickly.

Morning Shake
Morning Shake

2) Egg Based Breakfasts

Eggs are an excellent source of protein which will help you to shed unwanted weight quickly. Hard-boiled eggs make a filling breakfast option to accelerate weight loss quickly.

For those who prefer something a bit more indulgent in their breakfasts, a bagel topped with cheese slices or an omelette are all fantastic ways to help speed up weight loss quickly. Crumpets with peanut butter also can be great ways to achieve rapid weight loss.

 Egg Based Breakfasts
Egg Based Breakfasts

3) Lunch Bowls

Salads are great way to help you lose weight quickly, and can even include other filling elements like chicken, fish or legumes for extra nutrition and convenience.

Add grated cheese or croutons for more filling effects; however, take care not to increase caloric intake too dramatically.

Soups can also be an excellent lunch choice when trying to lose weight quickly. Just avoid adding cream or cheese, as these ingredients increase its caloric intake.

4) Dinner Grains

Fiber-rich whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and oatmeal are an effective way to stay full longer – decreasing the likelihood that you’ll turn to snacking later on in the evening.

These foods contain many B vitamins that will keep your metabolism running efficiently and help your body to quickly shed fat stores.

If you want something heartier, adding beans or legumes like lentils or chickpeas into your grain dishes for more fiber and protein will provide added filling power.

5) Dessert Shakes

Are You Craving Sweet Treats at the End of a Long Day? A protein shake could be just what’s needed to help speed up weight loss!

Make your meal even more delectable by adding chopped fruits or some chocolate. Be mindful to limit how many extra calories you add though or it will work against your efforts at weight loss.

 Dessert Shakes
Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay


Remember to always pay attention to what you eat, ensuring your diet is both nutritous and balanced.

When trying to lose weight quickly, eating the appropriate foods shouldn’t leave you feeling hungry or deprived.

Also Refer:- The 4 Best and Most Delicious Quick Diet Food