Dessert can be an irresistibly sweet temptation; after all, what would a meal be without something sweet to finish it off? For those trying to lead healthier lives by cutting back on sugar and artificial sweeteners as much as possible, there are still plenty of nutritous dessert options that won’t destroy their diets.

Some of these might even help! There are many healthy dessert recipes to help your waistline. From pudding to pie, we have you covered on some delicious yet healthy dessert options like pumpkin spice or apple cider cider that won’t harm your health! Check them out now.

Healthy Desserts
Healthy Desserts

Healthy Desserts That Will Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

1) All-Natural Pudding

As pudding is one of the oldest desserts around, its recipe has developed significantly over time and today it often contains added sugars and unhealthy fats like high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavorings and coloring. However, there are plenty of all-natural pudding recipes out there which don’t use these unhealthy ingredients.

At home, these delectable treats are easy to make! Simply start by visiting your grocery store and picking up an all-natural, low-fat, low-sugar, no-corn starch pudding mix pack. When you get back home, combine this mix with almond milk and vanilla extract in a pot, stirring continuously until everything has combined thoroughly before bringing the pot up to boil.

Once the pudding has reached boiling, reduce the heat, cover the pot and let it simmer for approximately 10 minutes before taking out of the oven and allowing it to cool for five minutes before transferring it to a bowl or cup for serving either alone or alongside some fresh fruits.

Healthy Desserts

2) Bananas And Dark Chocolate

Bananas and dark chocolate might seem an unlikely pair, but that wouldn’t be accurate. Together they make a delicious yet healthy dessert – this recipe’s easy too; simply mash two bananas then microwave for 30 seconds until melted before stirring in your desired dark chocolate bar(s).

Make this healthy dessert using two tablespoons of cocoa powder mixed with two tablespoons of melted dark chocolate. When your mixture has cooled off, sprinkle in some pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg before refrigerating for 15 minutes – before you can enjoy your healthy treat with no artificial ingredients!

Healthy Desserts

3) Gluten-Free Shortbread Cookies

Shortbread cookies are always a welcome treat, and they make the perfect treat when you need to satisfy that sweet craving but are unsure what to eat. Low in fat and high in fiber, shortbread cookies make an excellent snack option when craving something sweet – and what makes them even healthier is switching out all-purpose flour for gluten-free flour in most recipes.

Gluten-free recipes tend to be healthier than standard recipes and also nut- and vegan-friendly, making them suitable for people with food allergies. Gluten-free shortbread cookies can be made easily at home; simply preheat your oven to 350degF before mixing two cups of all-purpose flour with two tablespoons of cornstarch and one teaspoon of salt into two separate containers and combine these components.

Stir two sticks of unsalted butter until fully mixed, and add one-quarter cup each of granulated and brown sugars, stirring until everything comes together. Split the dough into two balls before placing on baking sheets to be flattened later by hand before popping the cookie sheet in the oven and baking them for around 15 minutes until golden brown – allow them to cool for at least 10 minutes before eating!

Healthy Desserts

Also refer : 7 Easy Cupcake Recipes To Make From Scratch!

4) Healthy Brownies

Brownies can be delicious treats, but they’re unfortunately chock full of fat and sugar. Thankfully there are numerous healthier brownie recipes out there and making your own at home is easy thanks to ingredients you may already have available in your pantry!

This recipe is straightforward. Simply preheat your oven to 350degF, mix one cup of all-purpose flour, one cup of granulated sugar, two tablespoons of cocoa powder and a teaspoon of baking powder into a bowl before mixing in two eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and splash of water – that should do it!

Stir together until all ingredients have come together, then transfer the batter to a baking pan lined with parchment paper. You may choose to customize your batter by stirring in some chopped walnuts or topping your brownies with fresh blueberries or strawberries; melting dark chocolate could add another nice finishing touch!

Healthy Desserts

5) Roasted Strawberries

Strawberries make for an amazing healthy dessert option, but when roasted they take on even greater deliciousness! Roasting strawberries is an easy and delicious way to bring out their full flavor while helping preserve them longer due to removing some of their natural water content and staying fresh longer. Roasted strawberries make great toppings for yogurt or pancakes or simply enjoyed alone as snacks!

Roasted strawberries go great with all sorts of desserts. Try mixing roasted strawberries into oatmeal for a nutritious and flavorful breakfast option! Roasting strawberries is an incredibly simple, healthy dessert to make. Simply preheat your oven to 400degF, line a baking sheet with parchment paper, pour one pint of strawberries onto it, add sugar and cinnamon before placing the tray in the oven to roast for approximately 10 minutes until soft and fragrant berries appear. Serve immediately or store them away in an airtight container in your fridge!

Healthy Desserts

6) Bowl Of Cereal With Milk And Berries

Cereal and berries make for one of the healthiest desserts available today, and making one is easy and cheap! Simply take a bowl, fill it with your preferred cereal type, top it with fresh berries and milk! Cereal and strawberries pair beautifully together!

Strawberry cereal combinations make a wonderful treat, particularly with kids! Whole grain cereals provide your body with essential fiber and essential vitamins & minerals while fresh strawberries offer even more. Strawberry milk cereal combinations taste incredible and offer up the perfect way to start the day right!

Healthy Desserts

7) Fresh Fruit Tart

Fruit tarts are an incredible dessert choice. Not only can they satisfy your sweet tooth without ruining your diet, they’re also easy to make! Fruit tarts make an impressive statement about personalization: use any fruit of choice with any flavor of sugar or syrup of your choosing for an irresistibly delectable tart experience!

Nuts, seeds and other toppings may also be added. To start off this recipe, begin by gathering all of the necessary ingredients and ingredients. Next, grab a pre-baked tart shell before topping it with whatever fresh fruit you desire – you could mix and match fruit types as desired, add vanilla extract or cinnamon for additional flavor or drizzle on some icing for decoration if desired.

Healthy Desserts

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Dessert is something everyone enjoys, yet not everyone can indulge. From all-natural pudding to cereal with milk and berries, finding healthy dessert recipes that taste delicious can be difficult. Here is our list of 10 of the best healthy dessert recipes – we promise they’ll satisfy your sweet tooth while doing good for your body too! These treats will satisfy both sweet cravings as well as satisfy diet restrictions or food allergies.